If you are showing this you likely need assistance on picking out a serious company as a hosting provider . In the last ten years the pc industry has reached its limit. As a result to that there is even more competition than ever before. But not all services are good. They will promise everything and than once you pay them, they WILL leave you in the dust.
How can I avoid being screwed when choosing a hosting provider?
The so called frauds usually make a quite good review and story about their companies so if you can’t distinguish silly offers and if you don’t have some experience, than you are an easy target.
Keep in mind. Most of the providers just care about money and not you and you needs.
Here are some examples of a silly offer:
- 5000 GB of transfer, 500 GB of space, 1 free domain etc. just for 4$/month
- 5000 GB of transfer, 500 GB of space, 1 free domain etc. + the site creation for just 10$/month
These 2 are just examples. Hardly anyone can fall for them. But in the real life, the offers can be much more attractive.
Some companies won’t even answer you the second you pay them by paypal or some other bank account. That’s usually considered the easiest way of getting money.
If you are just starting in this business than you should follow these steps so you can at least have an idea on which are real offers and professional providers, and which are the ones that just want to steal your money.
» Cheaper is not always better, experienced webmasters say - you get what you pay for.
» Look for hosts who have multiple support options.
» Find out how long the hosting company has been in business.
» Chances are if the company’s main website is slow, yours will be too.
Anyway once you start getting in stuff like this, you’ll probably be able to figure out the frauds from the honest providers.
Also their own site can be used as a critic. You should be able to judge if the site is done professionally or not. If they can’t make a good enough site, believe me, than they can’t provide even the basic hosting. But don’t be fooled, some companies hire some cheap web designer to make an appealing site for them.
Actually when I think of it it’s all about luck and some brains. But is there a technique so that I don’t waste my money?
- Actually there is. Have you ever seen the ad “free web hosting”, if you aren’t sure bout the provider, if he’ll be able to host your site and if that IS the thing you have been looking for? You haven’t got anything to lose except maybe some time, but even that’s better than wasting money.
So I hope you have learned something from this article and good luck finding the right hosting service!
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